O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Kharkiv – Ukraine
5-6 October 2021
1. The role of emerging information and (Prof. Antonio Comi, UNITOV)
2. ICT and ITS in road safety (Prof. Luca Persia, UNISAPIENZA)
3. Preparing for the Future of Engineering (Prof. Norbert Gruenwald, HSW)
4. SMALOG project an overview (Prof. Antonio Comi, UNITOV)
5. Developing and implementing SMALOG at NUUE (Prof. Mariia Olkhova, NUUE)
6. Developing and implementing SMALOG at LPNU (Prof. Volodymyr Kovalyshyn, LPNU)
7. Developing and implementing SMALOG at NTU (Prof. Olga Kunytska Prof. Oksana Gulchak, NTU)
8. Developing and implementing SMALOG at ZSTU (Prof. Vasyl Mamray, ZSTU)
9. Staff Experience from UA and GE Universities
10. Student Experience from UA and GE Universities
11. Staff Experience from UA and GE Universities (Rossolov_Alexander_NUUE)
12. Staff & Student Experience NUUE (Prof. Mariia Olkhova, NUUE)
Broshure_Final Conference of the SmaLog Project 5 October